A series of Tuesday mornings with a variety of activities for Seniors during the holiday season.
Taking place Tuesdays 8, 15 and 22 August at Godmanchester Baptist Church, East Chadley Lane, Godmanchester
Come along from 10.45am for tea and coffee, ready for an 11.00am start. Meet some new friends and join in with all that is going on.
The mornings will include a main activity and a number of other shorter items like quizzes and games.
There will be plenty of time, too, to sit and chat!
Each occasion will include a Thought for the Day.
Each morning will cost £5.00 and will end with a light lunch, finishing at 1.30pm
Book your place in advance by emailing or ringing the Church Office on 01480 458565 by the previous Thursday.
Programme of Activities
Tuesday 8 August: Games for All
Enjoy a relaxed morning of board games, table quizzes, table tennis, pool, carpet bowls and chat. Something for everyone!
Tuesday 15 August: Wildlife Talk
Come and hear about the wonderful work of Hartford Hedgehog Rescue.
With Suzanne Tibbetts.
Tuesday 22 August: Musical Entertainment
Enjoy a fun morning with the Upwood Ukelele Band. Foot-tappingly good!